We improve the communities relations amongst its members and with all the groups of
different ethnic communities living in the UK and discouraging racism.

Pak Pushtoon Association

PPA Constitution

1. To promote and maintain the interests and welfare of its members and their immediate dependants by providing and facilitating their communal, social, religious, cultural and educational services.

2. To improve the communities relations amongst its members and with all the groups of different ethnic communities living in the UK and discouraging racism.

3. The organisation will create the environment which facilitates their social, economic and cultural development through provision of diverse programme of arts, sports and leisure activities.

Following the Elections of Honorary officers on Sunday 27th June 2021,

the following officers were duly Elected,

From left to right:

Majid Khan (Welfare Officer)
Fazil Zaman ( Assistant Secretary)
Anwar Afzal (Legal Advisor)
Waseem Khan (Vice President)
Rashid Ullah Khan (President)
Afsar Khan (Finance Secretary)
Gul Zaman Khan (Assistant Finance Secretary)

Not in the Picture :
Masood Khan (General Secretary)

The Executive Committee was subsequently elected on 30th of June 2021 by the

honorary officers from a list 28 nominations, and are pictured below

Back Row, Left to Right:

Arshad Afzal
Zafar Hussain
Dawood Khan
Mohammed Ali
Zubair Khan

From left to right front row:

Haji Pehlwan Khan
Shah Nawaz Khan
Shakir Afzal
Iltaf Hussain
Ibrar Hussain
Shah Faisal
Mohammed Shireen
Adil Hamid

Not in the Picture :

Gulbath Khan
Sajawal Khan
Riysath Khan
Umath Khan

  • The election team and process

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    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process

  • Slide title

    The election team and process


Awards ceremony with distinguished guests

Superintendent Jenny Pearson, (East Birmingham)

West Midlands Police, Det Inspector Mohammed Yousuf, Councillor Miriam Khan,

Salma Yaqoob (Politician), Zaid Khan (Pilot) and others

  • Slide title

    Culture classes for the community children on the weekends 

  • Slide title

    Culture classes for the community children on the weekends 


PPA Mental Health and Anxiety Worshop

  30th November 2021

Pak Pashtoon Association and Birmingham City Council

 workshop on County Lines and Gang Violence


Tuesday 23rd Nov 6pm at British Pashtoon House

112 Hobmoor Rd Small Heath Birmingham B10 9BU

Drug gangs are exploiting vulnerable people in your area using violence and abuse,

criminals are getting others including young and vulnerable people to act as couriers for drugs,

sometimes taking over the homes of victims.

Speak out. Tell us what you know

0800 555 111


Our New Venue

We work at our new venue fixing the fuse box, get ready for our exquisite events..

Group Photo
At the Birmingham Court

Work in Progress

Soon to be ready and a safe place
for our meetings.
 Group Photo
Victory at The Priory Courts


Who can be a member?

UK Resident over 18.

What is the annual subscription?

This is fixed by the executive committee usually in May and varies depending upon previous year expenditure and number of funerals for that year.                   

What are the venue hours of opening for condolences?   

Monday-Sunday  09:00-18:00

How do I gain access to the premises?

You must call in advance the management team.

How do I contact the management team?

The management team:
RASHID ULLAH KHAN-  07957 257647
WASEEM KHAN - 07756 612863
MASOOD KHAN-  07791 703148
AFSAR KHAN-  07831 121667
MAJID KHAN-   07974 706660
ANWAR AFZAL-  07966 265334

Condolences / Dua

<>   Please refrain from unnecessary chit/chat in this room out of respect for the deceased and their family, you can do that in the other rooms or outside.


<>   NO SMOKING in the building you may smoke in the car park away from the building.

<>    Please park your vehicle appropriately at all times, avoid obstructing other vehicle and ensuring  path is clear in case of emergency.

<>    Please  keep EXITs clear from obstructions.

<>    Please make sure you clean up after use of premises and lock up securely.



112 Hob Moor Rd  Birmingham B10 9AZ


Contact Us

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